An artist's guide to reconnecting with nature 🌿


Nature has always been an important part of my life. Growing up, I watched animal documentaries and dreamed of seeing those magnificent creatures up close. As an artist, my work is often inspired by my love of nature. Through my travels, I've been able to experience some of the most amazing creatures and landscapes on Earth. These experiences have shaped who I am and helped me see the world with a new perspective. I want to share how nature can be a source of creativity and inspiration, not just for artists but for anyone who wants to connect more deeply with the world around them.

Why we all need nature, even if we live in the city

When it comes to humans and nature, it's not an "us vs them" situation. We're not separate, and we never have been. We are nature. We've evolved side by side, fauna, flora and humans. 

For much of our history, humans have depended on nature to live and thrive. But today, many of us feel disconnected from nature. The good news is, we can find that connection again.

It's hard to put into words the sense of wonder and awe that nature can inspire. Whether it's the sight of a wild elephant in its natural habitat, or the taste of guava picked from the tree, there's something about connecting with the natural world that fills my soul.

Perhaps it's because we know that we're part of something much bigger than ourselves, connected to all living things. Or maybe it's the simple joy of witnessing a small piece of nature's magic.

Creativity in bloom: How being in nature can spark your imagination

I live in a high-rise building in one of the world's biggest cities. Every day, I make a point of visiting one of my local parks. 

With every visit, I started noticing the different types of birds that lived in the park, and looked up what they were. Now, I can recognise them by their songs and looks. I also started to notice the flowers that were planted around the park, like the creamy white magnolia flowers that bloomed for just a day.

I started painting bauhinia and hibiscus flowers and multi-coloured leaves that I saw in the park. Being outdoors stimulated my imagination and made me more curious about the world around me. I became more aware of the sounds of nature and the beauty of the changing seasons.

Spending time outdoors can really inspire creativity. When you're surrounded by nature, you're more likely to come up with new ideas and see things from a different perspective. The sounds, smells and sights of the natural world can be a great source of inspiration. And by noticing the small details of nature, like the shapes of leaves or the patterns of flowers, you can learn to appreciate the beauty of even the simplest things. You might even say that nature is the ultimate muse!

Creativity is for everyone! How to connect with nature through art

Connecting with nature can be a fun and creative experience, even if you're not an artist. You could take photos or draw what you see, or simply make mental notes about the plants and wildlife around you. You could even experiment with different ways of recording the sights and sounds of nature, like recording bird songs or sketching the shape of a flower. And you could even try your hand at freestyle embroidery, using your sketches or photos as inspiration.

It turns out that nature is a great way to give your brain a boost. Research shows that being outdoors can reduce stress, increase focus, and even spark creativity. So if you're feeling stuck on a problem, a little time at your local park might be just what you need.

There are so many ways to connect with nature through art, and they all have their own benefits. Not only can it be good for your mental well-being, but it can also be a way to get more physically active. Plus, it's just plain fun!


Follow me on Instagram @ginamaldonado_


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